Saturday, May 24, 2008

What a day

Went over to a friends home (Mark & Cindy) for our long awaited lobster dinner. Getting there finding they left, leaving a note on the door for us. I was happy not to have dinner with Mark. OKOK it was a joke he was there and a great time was HAD by all.  Then we went to see there land where they will be spending there lives. It is wonderful, guys here's to wishing you two the greatest luck in your endeavor. But guys I do believe the house is a little big for just the two of you.   

Good night to all.2062246084_a6262a7f6b


Anonymous said...

Wow dad, endeavor is a big word for you. Impressive.


Love you :)

Mark Krusen said...

We are glad you liked our little bit of paradise. We had a great time visiting. Sorry about the lobster. They were in the helicopter picking up Sandy. So once again it sounds like Sandy has been had. I see you learned how to put pics on.My room is down in the dungeon.