Friday, May 23, 2008

People are *#@!@#**%!#$%!

Another day gone bye. Dawn worked at the hut today and had a costumer yell at her because the hut ran out of large pizza. Which brought up a conversation about people. Some people have no clue or think there s%#t don't stink. It brought me back to my first time on the floor at the depot. I was fixing a rack and a man wanted to know where to find wood glue. I turned to face him and was wearing my " I'm in training " badge. I told him all the glue is in the paint department. He said oh you are new. He then started talking to me like I was 2 years old.You know in that little rebo voice parents use to talk to babies. No woooood gluuuue you know for wood. Yes sir I said in the paint department. He took me over to the wood and started to tap on a piece of wood saying woooood you know woooood gluuuue. Pictures of me hitting him with wooooood and filling his a%$#@$# with woooooood gluuuuuue danced in my head, I said well I am new so lets go to the desk and I will ask someone.We did I asked and guess what the wood glue is IN THE PAINT DEPARTMENT. The man looked at the employee behind the desk and said to him Thank You so much you were so helpful. So as I told Dawn it takes all kind to make the world spin unfortunately the all fall at our door. So lets all slow the world down a little and be nice to the workers in the stores and restraints for that worker is not making a lot of money for one and does not order for the place and third that person might be ME. Now Saturday Sandy and I will be eating at Mark and Cindy's home and cant what for that Lobster mark promised me and PB&J for Sandy. I guess I went on long enough so good night to all. Have pleasant dreams and tip your waitress very well for if it is Dawn She Needs The Money.LOL LOL


Anonymous said...

Its true...I do need the money :)

ladyjane64 said...

Oh man, how well do I remember those retail days just like it was yesterday. Working with the public is not an easy task but it gives you strength especially when you want to slug one of them. Well just keep that lumber on the rack Norm, you'll be a better person. Find another way to make them look like a fool just like you did and you'll feel better laughing too!

Mark Krusen said...

Now now Norm. Don't let your heart rate get to high up there. You've no doubt heard the saying "It's hard to soar with the eagles when you have to hang with a bunch of Turkeys" Just ignore the turkey's (except for this one) and stay above the fray. Oh by the way where is the woooooood gluuuuu again. LOL.