Friday, May 16, 2008

A kids song

Sandy, Dawn and myself went to the elementary school today to see the 4th grade concert in which my son Jake was singing. It was a salute to gym and the Olympics. And if you know me you know I don't need to hear about gym and exercising and stuff like that. The kids did great and that's whats it is all about, the kids. Where are we without the kids? That's the question I ask. Anyone have an answer ? I do. See if your answer is the same as mine. The kids don't have to be yours. They can be a niece , a nephew, grandchild or just a Friends kids. They're all this world has to look forward to. The need to laugh, play, sing and act up a little. Just a little. For they are our future. They are the next teacher, police, nurse, or oh ya, our next union member. (that is for you mark) Lets all take a little time out of our day to pray for our kids . Pray so they can be kids for a little while more. The world will be a better place for it, trust me on this. I have 3 of the best kids and let me tell you all, no let me shout it from the tallest building, I LOVE THEM . Good day to all.


Mark Krusen said...

That is way cool that you shouted it from the tallest building Norm. I trust for exercise that you walked up the stairs and didn't take the elevator.

God forbid that one of your kids would be a Union leader though. Maybe one of them will be President someday. If one of them is running they'll get my vote.

Seriously though, you do have three great kids Norm. You and Sandy did a great job raising them.

Dawn N said...

Oh come on now, you know the only reason why you have kids is to do all your dirty work.
"carry this"
"pick up that"
"change the channel for me"
"get me something to drink"
"take out the trash"

*rolls eyes* I don't know who your tryin to fool :p

haha, you know I'm just playin with ya Dad.

Ya know what?

I love you too :)

but shhh don't tell anyone I said that....


ladyjane64 said...

Yah, our kids aint so bad hun. I guess we did ok didn't we? You are right the kids are out future just like the song says and working in the school and seeing what I see it scrares the hell out of me. The kids are the ones that need our prayers because without them who knows what shape this world will be in for them when we're all gone.
God bless our little ones!!

Mark Krusen said...

Dawn I saw your list of the only reason to have kids. I see nothing wrong with that list. Some day you'll have kids so you can make a list for them.
