Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oh what I have seen


Let's all take time to think about it. What have you seen new in your life. Or lets say in the past 25 years. Home Computers or Cell phones. Well what elese. I have just come back from my uncle's 95'th birthday. Can you imagine what he has seen in his time on this marble we call earth.The things he has done. Only if we all can be as lucky. He has 5 kids who have kids who also have kids yes 4 generations of family. Well here is a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY on your 95 years  to my Uncle. We all love you zio. Here is to another wonderful year of life. Good night to all.

1 comment:

jbtod said...

Norm, that was such a nice blog. Thanks for that and thanks also for coming to my Dad's 95th birthday, it meant a lot to him and all of us. Love, Janice